30 August 2023

Employees experience a chronic lack of access to knowledge and skills

Remarkable finding: How (technical) employees really want to learn! 

A survey, performed by Delta Learning, among (technical) employees confirms what we already hear daily: many employees lose valuable time because they do not have enough knowledge and information at their disposal.

Key findings

  • 91% of employees experience a lack of knowledge & information which hinders them in performing their job.
  • When employees experience a lack of knowledge, they approach their colleagues for help. However, in 79.5% of cases, the response to the request for help is delayed
  • 76% prefer direct contact with colleagues to consulting literature or manuals
  • 74% have a desire to share expert knowledge via an app on their smartphone.
  • Knowledge gaps occur regularly among respondents. For instance, 40% said they had experienced a knowledge deficit in the past week, and 50% in the past month.
  • Younger colleagues are keen to learn more from the expertise of more experienced colleagues, while more experienced colleagues are more likely to seek help from younger colleagues when it comes to learning new techniques

With GPAL, you can meet this need quickly and easily. With GPAL, your company’s experts can make videos of the important operations. These are instantly available anytime, anywhere to those you give access to.

Negative consequences: Knowledge shortage

A lack of access to essential knowledge and information has a negative impact on business results.

If 50 employees spend 1 hour each week asking each other for information, that takes 2 hours x 50 = 100 hours per week, and thus 400 hours per month. That is equivalent to 2.5 full-time employees.

Apart from the loss of productivity, the risk of image and reputation damage, dissatisfied customers (churn) and quality and safety issues, the (new) employees’ job satisfaction also decreases.

The good news

According to 74% of respondents, all the above problems can be solved quickly and easily by using an app on the smartphone. An app that provides instant access to expert knowledge and facilitates knowledge sharing with colleagues is preferred (76%) to consulting literature and manuals.

GPAL, a video-based learning platform, was developed to solve the above-mentioned problem and meet this need quickly and easily. With GPAL, all your experts can create videos of the important operations within the company. With this, these instructions are available anytime, anywhere to those you give access to these videos. We help to unlock (hidden) employee expertise, embed it and make it accessible for knowledge sharing and collaboration across the organisation. The result is a smart and agile organisation.

In close cooperation and co-creation with leading organisations in various sectors, we developed several best-practice cases (e.g. Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice & Security, DSM, Eneco, various Hospitals) which we are happy to share with you.

Experience how GPAL can solve this with you?

Then send an email to info@gpal.nl for a further introduction and/or demo. Within 1.5 hours you can be up and running in your own practice environment!

Source: Delta Learning in Water (2017). “Technicians experience chronic lack of access to knowledge and skills”. “Technici ervaren chronisch tekort aan toegang tot kennis en kunde.”

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